Höhenflüge am Olperer


Die super Konditionen am Gletscher waren genau richtig, um den Profisnowboarder Werni Stock in seinem Homespot im Better Park Hintertuxer Gletscher zu fotografieren. Werni legte sich ziemlich ins Zeug… nur die Hose hielt der Aktion nicht stand… wir hoffen das Werni’s Ausstatter in dieser Angelegenheit aushilft!

A huge thank’s goes out to Werni Stock who modeled on the weekend in his home spot the better park on Hintertuxer Gletscher. While Werni was working hard at flying higher than the olperer mountain, his pants didn’t manage to withstand the hardships of some excellent moves! Werni hopefully your sponsor Burton will help you out on this one! Have a smooth and successful season.

Maren Krings Photography
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