H is for HEMP


H is for HEMP – Limited Collector’s Edition (tree-free)

The publication of the (tree-free) Limited Collector’s Edition of “H is for Hemp” is a globally researched encyclopedic volume on industrial hemp, set in the broader context of climate change challenges. It was uniquely produced on specially developed hemp paper—a first of its kind for digital inkjet book printing in 2022!

Featuring stunning pictures, compelling stories, expert interviews, and graphics, this book enhances the knowledge of innovators, entrepreneurs, scientists, and enthusiasts who are currently leading the modern hemp revolution. It reveals how hemp can help create a system reset in today’s world.

Maren Krings, the author, photojournalist, and climate impact storyteller, continues her travels even after the book’s publication. In total she has since visited 37 countries on four continents, continuing to cover developments in the global hemp industry. The book comprises over 200 hemp projects and more than 80 interviews with industry experts. Krings intersperses her text with diarized and often amusing anecdotes that reflect her personal and fascinating journey to the final production of “H is for HEMP.”

After the publication of the book, Krings has expanded her storytelling to include filmmaking, podcasting, content writing, and keynote speaking, to highlight the potential of the plant for climate resilience and social justice.

Since 2022 she has been a board member of the “Linnaeus Competence Center Hemp”, the Czech NGO “Hemp The Climate” and a member of the international coalition for “Drug Policy Reform and Environmental Justice”. Maren’s work around the hemp plant has brought her to the United Nations as a civil society member since 2023, where she actively advocates for social and climate justice and works to bring hemp and cannabis back together as one plant.

Her commitment in the sector made her a board member of the German “Linnaeus Competence Center Hemp” and a member of the International Coalition for “Drug Policy Reform and Environmental Justice”. She has been to the United Nations as a civil society member since 2023, where she actively advocates for social and climate justice, by also putting more emphasis on reuniting hemp and cannabis back as one plant.

she has earned expertise on industrial hemp within the broader context of achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Her inaugural short documentary film “Ukraine – Chance for a Green Recovery”, produced in Ukraine in August 2023, explores the potential of carbon-negative reconstruction with hemp building materials in post-war and natural disasters settings, on the example of a war ridden nation.

As the Limited Collectors Edition is coming to an end, as the world is moving into the centennial year of 100 years of cannabis prohibition, Maren is busy chronicling the ongoing journey with a next volume of H is for HEMP.

Maren Krings Photography
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