Guest Lecture for ISSP Latvia on “Socially Engaged Art & Hemp”, LV


With much joy did I follow the invitation of the ISSP Latvia, to be one of the guest lecturers during the “Summer School of Socially Engaged Art & Activism 2022”.

The Summer School of Socially Engaged Ar & Activism was a week-long gathering for artists, activists, culture workers and creatives of various disciplines interested in engaging with social and human rights issues in their work. The summer school challenged the participants to critically reflect on art’s role in society, share tools and practices, and develop and strengthen a network of individuals, communities and institutions who work at the intersection between art and social activism in Latvia and the the Baltic countries. 

The summer school was sponsored by the German Embassy and carried out by the ISSP Latvia and New Visions.

Thank you to Kristaps Mednis for the photographs! ©Kristaps Mednis

Maren Krings Photography
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