A great surprise and amazing experience offered itself, when taking a trip to Trabzon with professor Aytaç and Ayan from the Ondokuz Mayis University. Despite a late night arrival in Uzungöl, we were still toured through the amazing Dursun Ali Inan Museum by the owner and maker himself.
The museum hosts an incredible number of precious artworks ranging from hand carved wooden sculptures to mineral and precious stones. As it is linked with the history of the region the museum even has a huge display of antique hemp textile tools. In exchange for the beautiful tour and to add another piece to the hemp exhibition, a copy of H is for HEMP was given to the museum director in a beautiful late night ceremony, which also involved signing the VIP guest book of the museum.
We spend the following days in the offered space of the mountains of Trabzon, which was so full of impressions and experiences that I will dedicate a separate blog entry to that trip at a later point.