This beautiful old pine tree called “Drottningen” (the Queen), is about 650 years old. During her long lifetime, this old growth boreal tree captures more carbon than her fast growing cousins from the Amazon. Sadly enough forests like this one in Fänstjärnsskogens naturreservat have grown very rare in Sweden. Since November 2020, a dispute has flared up in Sweden between the Sami community of Luokta Mavas and the largest, state-owned forest owner, Sveaskog. 29 Sami communities have launched a campaign with the singer and activist, Sofia Jannok, to stop the clear-cutting of reindeer winter pastures.
Initial successes have been achieved and the planned clear-cutting of approximately 700 hectares of boreal old-growth forest has been stopped. Unfortunately Sveaskog will move to the next forest to continue this climate-damaging practice, as has been done since 60 years. Already 72% of the lichen-rich forests have been lost in Sweden.