
Guest Lecture for ISSP Latvia on “Socially Engaged Art & Hemp”, LV

28-07-2022 With much joy did I follow the invitation of the ISSP Latvia, to be one of the guest lecturers during the “Summer School of Socially Engaged Art & Activism 2022”. The Summer School of Socially Engaged Ar & Activism was a week-long gathering for artists, activists, culture workers and creatives of various disciplines interested …

Guest Lecture for ISSP Latvia on “Socially Engaged Art & Hemp”, LV Read More »

Grow your own hemp house

05-14-2020 The seventh edition of the HANF MAGAZIN just released and my reportage on the Latvian builder of a hemp house and inventor of the micro decorticator “Hurdmaster” is portrayed in it. Check out the online version for the German text and the print version for the English text.

Maren Krings Photography
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