Since Tuesday the 14th of June over fifty solo racers are competing in what is known as the wordless toughest bike race, the Race Across America. I am in the support team of Julian Eisenbeis, who started this year as a Rookie rider and has been racing really strong! So far he is holding his stake in the top ten of the race. Heat, cold, Peaks over 3000 meters of altitude, deserts and the plains of Kansas are presenting themselves from their most beautiful side in landscape and their roughest side to pass them on a racing bike and a TT a time trail. A more detailed report will follow as we are coming to the end of this adventure. For now this is all I can write in a state of sleep deprivation, adrenaline high, caffeine pills and down-and uploading images under most quirky situations! Stay with us and hold your fingers crossed that we will reach the east coast!